Tuesday, February 7, 2023

DSA-I 6: Linked List Applications

Assignment 6: Linked List Applications

 Set A

1)Write a program that merges two ordered linked lists into third new list. When two lists are merged the data in the resulting list are also ordered. The two original lists should be left unchanged. That is merged list should be new one. Use linked implementation.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

struct Node


    int data;

    struct Node *next;

} *temp = NULL, *first = NULL, *second = NULL, *third = NULL, *last = NULL;

struct Node* Create (int A[], int n)


    int i;

    struct Node *t, *last;

    temp = (struct Node *) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));

    temp->data = A[0];

    temp->next = NULL;

    last = temp;

    for (i = 1; i < n; i++)


        t = (struct Node *) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));

        t->data = A[i];

        t->next = NULL;

        last->next = t;

        last = t;


    return temp;


void Display(struct Node *p)


    while (p != NULL)


        printf ("%d ", p->data);

        p = p->next;



void Merge(struct Node *first, struct Node *second)


    if (first->data < second->data)


        third = last = first;

        first = first->next;

        last->next = NULL;




        third = last = second;

        second = second->next;

        last->next = NULL;



    while (first != NULL && second != NULL)


        if (first->data < second->data)


            last->next = first;

            last = first;

            first = first->next;

            last->next = NULL;




            last->next = second;

            last = second;

            second = second->next;

            last->next = NULL;




    if (first != NULL)

        last->next = first;


        last->next = second;


int main()


    int A[] = { 3, 4, 7, 9 };

    int B[] = { 2, 5, 6, 8 };

    first = Create (A, 4);

    second = Create (B, 4);

    printf ("1st Linked List: ");

    Display (first);

    printf ("\n2nd Linked List: ");

    Display (second);

    Merge (first, second);

    printf ("\n\nMerged Linked List: \n");

    Display (third);

  return 0;


2) Write a program that adds two single variable polynomials. Each polynomial should be represented as a list with linked list implementation.



struct Node {

    int coeff;

    int pow;

    struct Node* next;


 // Function to create new node

void create_node(int x, int y, struct Node** temp)


    struct Node *r, *z;

    z = *temp;

    if (z == NULL) {

        r = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));

        r->coeff = x;

        r->pow = y;

        *temp = r;

        r->next = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));

        r = r->next;

        r->next = NULL;


    else {

        r->coeff = x;

        r->pow = y;

        r->next = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));

        r = r->next;

        r->next = NULL;




// Function Adding two polynomial numbers

void polyadd(struct Node* poly1, struct Node* poly2, struct Node* poly)


    while (poly1->next && poly2->next) {

        if (poly1->pow > poly2->pow) {

            poly->pow = poly1->pow;

            poly->coeff = poly1->coeff;

            poly1 = poly1->next;


        else if (poly1->pow < poly2->pow) {

            poly->pow = poly2->pow;

            poly->coeff = poly2->coeff;

            poly2 = poly2->next;


        else {

            poly->pow = poly1->pow;

            poly->coeff = poly1->coeff + poly2->coeff;

            poly1 = poly1->next;

            poly2 = poly2->next;


        // Dynamically create new node


            = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));

        poly = poly->next;

        poly->next = NULL;


    while (poly1->next || poly2->next) {

        if (poly1->next) {

            poly->pow = poly1->pow;

            poly->coeff = poly1->coeff;

            poly1 = poly1->next;


        if (poly2->next) {

            poly->pow = poly2->pow;

            poly->coeff = poly2->coeff;

            poly2 = poly2->next;



            = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));

        poly = poly->next;

        poly->next = NULL;




// Display Linked list

void show(struct Node* node)


    while (node->next != NULL) {

        printf("%dx^%d", node->coeff, node->pow);

        node = node->next;

        if (node->coeff >= 0) {

            if (node->next != NULL)





int main()


    struct Node *poly1 = NULL, *poly2 = NULL, *poly = NULL;

    // Create first list of 5x^2 + 4x^1 + 2x^0

    create_node(5, 2, &poly1);

    create_node(4, 1, &poly1);

    create_node(2, 0, &poly1);

    // Create second list of -5x^1 - 5x^0

    create_node(-5, 1, &poly2);

    create_node(-5, 0, &poly2);

    printf("1st Number: ");


    printf("\n2nd Number: ");


    poly = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));

    // Function add two polynomial numbers

    polyadd(poly1, poly2, poly);

    // Display resultant List

    printf("\nAdded polynomial: ");


    return 0;


Set B

1) Write a program that sorts the elements of linked list using any of sorting technique.


#include <stdlib.h>

struct node


  int data;

  struct node *next;


int main()


struct node *temp1,*temp2, *t,*newNode, *startList;

int n,k,i,j;


printf("Input number of elements in the linked list?");


printf("Input the elements in the linked list:\n");





newNode=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));



startList = newNode;





newNode=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));



temp1->next = newNode;










if(temp1->data > temp2->data)










printf("Sorted order is: \n");








2) Write a program that multiply two single variable polynomials. Each polynomial should be   represented as a list with linked list implementation.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct Node


    // Define useful field of Node

    int data;

    int power;

    struct Node * next;


Node * getNode(int data, int power)


    // Create dynamic memory of Node

    Node * ref = (Node * ) malloc(sizeof(Node));

    if (ref == NULL)


        // Failed to create memory 

        return NULL;


    ref->data = data;

    ref->power = power;

    ref->next = NULL;

    return ref;


// Update node value

void updateRecord(Node * ref, int data, int power)


    ref->data = data;

    ref->power = power;


typedef struct MultiplyPolynomial


    // Define useful field of MultiplyPolynomial

    struct Node * head;


MultiplyPolynomial * getMultiplyPolynomial()


    // Create dynamic memory of MultiplyPolynomial

    MultiplyPolynomial * ref = (MultiplyPolynomial * )


    if (ref == NULL)


        // Failed to create memory 

        return NULL;


    ref->head = NULL;

    return ref;


// Insert Node element

void insert(MultiplyPolynomial * ref, int data, int power)


    if (ref->head == NULL)


        // Add first node

        ref->head = getNode(data, power);




        Node * node = NULL;

        Node * temp = ref->head;

        Node * location = NULL;

        // Find the valid new node location

        while (temp != NULL && temp->power >= power)


            location = temp;

            temp = temp->next;


        if (location != NULL && location->power == power)


            // When polynomial power already exists

            // Then add current add to previous data

            location->data = location->data + data;




            node = getNode(data, power);

            if (location == NULL)


                // When add node in begining

                node->next = ref->head;

                ref->head = node;




                // When adding node in intermediate 

                // location or end location

                node->next = location->next;

                location->next = node;





// Perform multiplication of given polynomial

MultiplyPolynomial * multiplyPolynomials(

  MultiplyPolynomial * ref, MultiplyPolynomial * other)


    // Define some useful variable

    MultiplyPolynomial * result = getMultiplyPolynomial();

    // Get first node of polynomial

    Node * poly1 = ref->head;

    Node * temp = other->head;

    int power_value = 0;

    int coefficient = 0;

    // Execute loop until when polynomial are exist

    while (poly1 != NULL)


        temp = other->head;

        while (temp != NULL)


            // Get result info

            power_value = poly1->power + temp->power;

            coefficient = poly1->data * temp->data;

            insert(result, coefficient, power_value);

            // Visit to next node

            temp = temp->next;


        // Visit to next node

        poly1 = poly1->next;


    // return first node

    return result;


// Display given polynomial nodes

void display(MultiplyPolynomial * ref)


    if (ref->head == NULL)


        printf("Empty Polynomial ");


    printf(" ");

    Node * temp = ref->head;

    while (temp != NULL)


        if (temp != ref->head)


            printf(" + %d", temp->data);






        if (temp->power != 0)


            printf("x^%d", temp->power);


        // Visit to next node

        temp = temp->next;




int main()


    MultiplyPolynomial * a = getMultiplyPolynomial();

    MultiplyPolynomial * b = getMultiplyPolynomial();

    // Add node in polynomial A

    insert(a, 9, 3);

    insert(a, 4, 2);

    insert(a, 3, 0);

    insert(a, 7, 1);

    insert(a, 3, 4);

    // Add node in polynomial b

    insert(b, 7, 3);

    insert(b, 4, 0);

    insert(b, 6, 1);

    insert(b, 1, 2);

    // Display Polynomial nodes

    printf("\n Polynomial A\n");


    printf(" Polynomial B\n");


    MultiplyPolynomial * result = multiplyPolynomials(a, b);

    // Display calculated result

    printf(" Result\n");



Set C

1) Write a program to find common elements of two linked lists and create third list. Ensure that the common elements appear only once in the third list.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>


struct node


    int num;

    struct node *next;



void create(struct node **);

int find(struct node *, struct node *);

void release(struct node **);

void display(struct node *);


int main()


    struct node *p = NULL, *q = NULL;

    int result;


    printf("Enter data into the list\n");


    printf("Enter data into the list\n");


    printf("Displaying list1:\n");


    printf("Displaying list2:\n");


    result = find(p, q);

    if (result)


        printf("The first matched element is %d.\n", result);




        printf("No matching element found.\n");


    release (&p);


    return 0;



int find(struct node *p, struct node *q)


    struct node *temp;


    while (p != NULL)


        temp = q;

        while (temp != NULL)


            if (temp->num == p->num)


                return p->num;


            temp = temp->next;


        p = p->next;



    /*Assuming 0 is not used in the list*/

    return 0;



void create(struct node **head)


    int c, ch;

    struct node *temp, *rear;




        printf("Enter number: ");

        scanf("%d", &c);

        temp = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));

        temp->num = c;

        temp->next = NULL;

        if (*head == NULL)


            *head = temp;




            rear->next = temp;


        rear = temp;

        printf("Do you wish to continue [1/0]: ");

        scanf("%d", &ch);

    } while (ch != 0);




void display(struct node *head)


    while (head != NULL)


        printf("%d\t", head->num);

        head = head->next;





void release(struct node **head)


    struct node *temp;

    while ((*head) != NULL)


        temp = *head;

        (*head) = (*head)->next;




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