Wednesday, June 22, 2022

RDBMS-Exception Handeling

 Assignment 4: Handling errors and Exceptions

The RAISE statements raise errors and exceptions during a PL/pgSQL function’s execution. A Raise statement is also given the level of error it should raise and the string error message it should send to postgreSQL. The string can also be embedded with variables and expressions, that one needs to list along with the error message. The percent (%) sign is used as the place holder for the variables that are inserted into the string.

 The syntax of the RAISE statement is as follows :

 RAISE level ‘’message string ‘’ [, identifier [….]]; 

The three possible values for the RAISE statement’s level are as follows:

1) DEBUG :- Debug level statements send the specified text as a debug message to the PostgreSQL log.

2) NOTICE :- Notice level statements send the specified text as a Notice;

3) EXCEPTION :-Exception level statements send the specified text as an ERROR. The exception level also causes the current transaction to be aborted.

Assignment 4 : Handling errors and Exceptions


Using Bank Database

a) Write a stored function to print the total number of customers of a particular branch. ( Accept branch name as input parameter.) In case the branch name is invalid, raise an exception for the same.


create or replace function f1(nm varchar(30))returns text as '

declare rec record;

cnt int;


for rec in select * from branch



raise notice''Invalid'';


select count(cno) into cnt from bcl where bid in(select bid from branch where rec.bname=nm);

end if;

end loop;

raise notice''customer count is : %'',cnt;

return'' '';

end '

language 'plpgsql';



 b) Write a stored function to increase the loan approved amount for all loans by 20%. In case the initial loan approved amount was less than Rs 10000, then print a notice to the user, before updating the amount .


create or replace function f2()returns text as'

declare rec record;


for rec in select * from la



raise notice ''amount is less than 10000 '';


update la set appmoney=appmoney+(appmoney*0.2)where lano=rec.lano;

end if;

end loop;

return '''';






Using Project-Employee database

 create table project(pno int primary key,pname varchar(15),ptype varchar(15),duration int);


  create table emp(eno int primary key,ename varchar(15),j_date date);


  create table prog_emp(pno int references project(pno),eno int references emp(eno),s_date date);


 insert into project values(1,'system','computer',100);

  insert into project values(2,'robotics','computer',100);

 insert into project values(3,'cloud network','computer',50);

 insert into project values(4,'microprocessor','electronics',150);

 insert into project values(5,'eye senser','electronics',250);

 insert into project values(6,'remote car','meachinical',75);


insert into emp values(1,'anil','04-04-2010');

  insert into emp values(2,'ajay','05-23-2010');

  insert into emp values(3,'nadim','08-18-2011');

  insert into emp values(4,'samadhan','12-28-2012');

  insert into emp values(5,'mahesh','12-28-2012');

 insert into prog_emp values(1,1,'04-04-2010');

  insert into prog_emp values(1,2,'05-23-2010');

  insert into prog_emp values(2,2,'05-20-2010');

  insert into prog_emp values(3,1,'04-25-2011');

 insert into prog_emp values(3,1,'03-25-2011');

 insert into prog_emp values(3,4,'02-12-2012');

 insert into prog_emp values(4,5,'05-12-2013');


a) Write a stored function to accept project name as input and print the names of employees working on the project. Also print the total number of employees working on that project. Raise an exception for an invalid project name.

create function SetA_a(varchar ) returns integer as $$


   rec record;

   cur cursor for select * from project,prog_emp,emp where project.pno=prog_emp.pno and emp.eno=prog_emp.eno;

    cnt integer:=0;

  name alias for $1;


    open cur;


           fetch cur into rec;

            exit when not found;

           if rec.pname=name then

                    raise notice '%',rec.ename;


            end if;

    end loop;

   if cnt=0 then

            raise exception 'Invalid Project name';

   end if;

    close cur;

    return cnt;


 $$ language plpgsql;



b) Write a stored function to decrease the Hours_worked by 2 hours, for all projects in which employees from department no 2 is working. Raise an exception , in case the hours_worked becomes = 0 , after updation.

project4=# create or replace function f3() returns text as'

declare rec record;

n int;


select hours into n from pe where pno in(select pno from project where pname=''Electronics'');

update pe set hours=hours-2 where pno in(select pno from project where pname=''Electronics'');


raise notice''hours are 0'';

end if;

raise notice''number : %'',n;

return'' '';


language 'plpgsql';




Using Bus transport Database

a) Write a stored function to print the names of drivers working on both shifts on ‘20/04/2014’.


create or replace function f4(d date) returns text as'


rec record;

nm driver.dname%type;


for rec in select * from bd



raise notice''Date Is Invalid'';


select dname into nm from driver where dno in(select dno from bd where shift=''m'' and shift=''e'' and duty_date=d);

end if;

end loop;

raise notice''dname=%'',nm;

return'' '';


language 'plpgsql';



b) Write a stored function to accept the bus_no and date and print its allotted drivers. Raise an exception in case of invalid bus number.


 Project-Employee database

Consider the following database:

Project (pno int, pname char (30), ptype char (20), duration int)

Employee (empno int, ename char (20), joining_date date)

The relationship between Project and Employee is many to many with descriptive attribute start_date.

Create the above database in PostGreSQL and insert sufficient records.

a. Write a stored function to accept project name as input and print the names of employees working on the project. Also print the total number of employees working on that project. Raise an exception for an invalid project name.

b. Write a stored function to accept empno as an input parameter from the user and count the number of projects of a given employee. Raise an exception if the employee number is invalid.

Solution :-

create table project(pno int primary key,pname varchar(15),ptype varchar(15),duration int);

 create table emp(eno int primary key,ename varchar(15),j_date date);

 create table prog_emp(pno int references project(pno),eno int references emp(eno),s_date date);

insert into project values(1,'system','computer',100);

 insert into project values(2,'robotics','computer',100);
 insert into project values(3,'cloud network','computer',50);
 insert into project values(4,'microprocessor','electronics',150);
 insert into project values(5,'eye senser','electronics',250);
 insert into project values(6,'remote car','meachinical',75);

insert into emp values(1,'anil','04-04-2010');

 insert into emp values(2,'ajay','05-23-2010');

 insert into emp values(3,'nadim','08-18-2011');

 insert into emp values(4,'samadhan','12-28-2012');

 insert into emp values(5,'mahesh','12-28-2012');

insert into prog_emp values(1,1,'04-04-2010');

 insert into prog_emp values(1,2,'05-23-2010');

 insert into prog_emp values(2,2,'05-20-2010');

 insert into prog_emp values(3,1,'04-25-2011');

insert into prog_emp values(3,1,'03-25-2011');

insert into prog_emp values(3,4,'02-12-2012');

insert into prog_emp values(4,5,'05-12-2013');

a. Write a stored function to accept project name as input and print the names of employees working on the project. Also print the total number of employees working on that project. Raise an exception for an invalid project name.

create function SetA_a(varchar ) returns integer as $$
   rec record;
   cur cursor for select * from project,prog_emp,emp where project.pno=prog_emp.pno and emp.eno=prog_emp.eno;
    cnt integer:=0;
  name alias for $1;
    open cur;
           fetch cur into rec;
            exit when not found;
           if rec.pname=name then
                    raise notice '%',rec.ename;
            end if;
    end loop;
   if cnt=0 then
            raise exception 'Invalid Project name';
   end if;
    close cur;
    return cnt;
 $$ language plpgsql;

select * from SetA_a('system');
NOTICE:  anil
NOTICE:  ajay
(1 row)

cur_demo=# select * from SetA_a('aaa');
ERROR:  Invalid Project name
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function SetA_a(character varying) line 18 at RAISE

b. Write a stored function to accept empno as an input parameter from the user and count the number of projects of a given employee. Raise an exception if the employee number is invalid.

create or replace function SetA_b(int) returns integer as $$
   rec record;
   cur cursor for select * from project,prog_emp,emp where project.pno=prog_emp.pno and emp.eno=prog_emp.eno;
    cnt integer:=0;
  e_no alias for $1;
    open cur;
           fetch cur into rec;
            exit when not found;
           if rec.eno=e_no then
                    raise notice 'Project:-% Emp Name:-%',rec.pname,rec.ename;
            end if;
    end loop;
   if cnt=0 then
            raise exception 'Invalid Employee no';
   end if;
    close cur;
    return cnt;
 $$ language plpgsql;

select * from SetA_b(4);
NOTICE:  cloud network samadhan
(1 row)

cur_demo=# select * from SetA_b(1);
NOTICE:  system anil
NOTICE:  cloud network anil
NOTICE:  cloud network anil
(1 row)

Person – Area database
Person (pno int, name varchar (20), birthdate date, income money)
Area (aid int, aname varchar (20), area_type varchar (5) )
The person and area related to many to one relationship. The attribute ‘area_type’ can have
values either ‘urban’ or ‘rural’.
Create the above database in PostGreSQL and insert sufficient records.

a. Write a stored function that accepts the area name as an input parameter from the user
and displays the details of persons living in that area. Raise an exception if area name is

Solution :-
create function s5c_a(varchar(10)) returns integer as $$
   anm alias for $1;
   rec record;
cnt integer:=0;
   cur cursor for  select aname,pno,name,birthdate, income from person,area where area.aid=person.aid ;
   open cur;
            fetch cur into rec;
            exit when not found;
                    if rec.aname=anm then
                            raise notice '% % % %',rec.pno,,rec.birthdate,rec.income;
                    end if;
    end loop;
    close cur;
    if cnt=0 then
        raise Exception 'area name is invalid..!!';
    end if;
    return 0;
 $$ language plpgsql;

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